Protect Your Documents With PrintOnlyClient
PrintOnly is a Windows software tool that prioritizes document security by restricting printing to physical printers only. It is a valuable tool for businesses and organizations that need to protect their sensitive data from unauthorized viewing or modification, as well as individuals who want to control the way their documents are printed.
Once PrintOnly is installed, users can add files or documents for which they would like to restrict printing. They can then select an output path for these restricted files, set an expiration date for them, a watermark as well as the number of times they can be physically printed. Once these settings are finalized, the program will automatically convert these files to the PrintOnly Files (POF) format, which is a secure file that can't be opened in any other programs.
The PrintOnlyClient client program can then open these POF files and print them directly on a printer, thus preventing the documents from being downloaded, viewed or modified before they are printed. It also makes sure that the printed copies of these files have unique watermarks to prevent unauthorized usage.
The software comes with a portable ZIP version, allowing users to easily transfer the application as needed. PrintOnly supports a wide range of common document formats including PDF, MS Word and Excel, JPG/PNG/TIF images, TXT and PowerPoint files as well as RTF documents. Users can also set document print expiration dates and include a text watermark for additional security and traceability.